
You have reached a webpage of the fsig.ai domain for Pactum Investment Group, affiliated with Fundstructuring S.A, Wilhelminaplein 13072DE, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Certain regulatory requirements of your local authorities or countries may prevent certain visitors from (1) being solicited, (2) offered certain services or financial products and (3) engage in business with certain entities of the Fundstructuring Group.

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The units of the Fsig.ai funds, as more fully described in the menu "Investment Funds" will only be distributed publicly in the countries in which the funds are authorised for public sales. An investment in any of the Fsig.ai funds should only be made after reading the related legal documents such as management regulations, prospectuses, annual and semi-annual reports, which can be all be obtained free of charge from the funds' representatives in each country where the funds are incorporated or registered.

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