Privacy Policy
We appreciate the trust you place in us when sharing your personal data. The security of that data is very important to us. In this document, we explain how we collect, use, and protect your personal data.
We also explain what rights you have regarding your personal data and how you can exercise those rights.
Who we are is a site operated by Pactum Investment Group Ltd (hereinafter “We”), affiliated with Fundstructuring S.A, Wilhelminaplein 13072DE, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
We are registered in England and Wales under company number 14977229.
Our registered office at 19 Heathman’s Road, Parsons Green, London, SW64TJ.
We are a limited company.
If you have questions about how we process personal data, or would like to exercise your data subject rights, please email us at
Collection of personal data
We collect personal data from you or about you for one or more of the following purposes:
- To enable you to submit a profile on that other users can view;
- To sell our products and services to you if you are a prospective user of;
- To market our products and services to you if you are an existing user of;
- To identify and recommend vacancies that may be of interest to you;
- To provide you with services such as training or development;
- To provide you with services such as training or development;
- To manage any non-marketing communications between you and us;
- To ensure the security and safe operation of our websites and underlying business infrastructure.
Technical information
In addition, to ensure that each visitor to any of our websites can use and navigate the site effectively, we collect the following:
- Technical information, including the IP (Internet Protocol) address used to connect your device to the Internet.
- Your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plugin types and versions.
- Operating system and platform.
- Information about your visit, including the URL to, through and from our site.
From time to time, we may use technologies, such as tracking pixels (also called 1x1 pixels or pixel tags), to collect the above information from your interaction with emails we send you. This enables us to focus our marketing to your needs, leading to more relevant emails to our subscribers. It also helps us to identify subscribers that are not engaged with our marketing emails, enabling us to remove them from our send lists.
Our Cookies Policy, describes how we use cookies on our website. In this document below, we identify your rights in respect of the personal data that we collect and describe how you can exercise those rights.
Lawful basis for the processing of personal data
The organisation of our business architecture, accounting and systems infrastructure and compliance means that all personal data is processed on common, group-wide platforms. We have processes in place to make sure that only those people in our organisation who need to access your data can do so. Some data are collected for multiple purposes, as shown, and some data are shared with third parties, again as shown.
When we process on the lawful basis of legitimate interest, we apply the following tests to determine whether it is appropriate:
- The purpose test – is there a legitimate interest behind the processing?
- The necessity test – is the processing necessary for that purpose?
- The balancing test – is the legitimate interest overridden, or not, by the individual’s interests, rights, or freedoms?
Storage of personal data
We are a UK-domiciled organisation whose primary offices are in the UK.
- Our website and web application are hosted in the UK and accessed only by our UK-based staff and our development teams.
- Our customer relationship management, marketing and accounting systems are UK-based.
- We use CSPs (Cloud service providers) as part of our processing environment. Unless we specifically state otherwise, we are, in respect of all these CSPs, the data controller. Our CSPs are: (to be advised by our technical team – such as Amazon, Hubspot, Stripe…etc)
- Unless we specifically state otherwise, all the CSPs that we use utilise UK-based processing facilities.
- Our payment processors and banking arrangements are based in the UK.
- We operate a data retention policy in respect of all data, whether paper-based or digital, and those aspects of it that relate to personal data are contained in this document above.
Your rights as a data subject
As a data subject whose personal information we hold, you have certain rights. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please email or use the information supplied in the ‘Contact us’ section below. To process your request, we will ask you to provide two valid forms of identification for verification purposes.
Your rights are as follows:
- The right to be informed
- As a data controller, we are obliged to provide clear and transparent information about our data processing activities. This is provided by this privacy notice and any related communications we may send you.
- The right of access
- You may request a copy of the personal data we hold about you free of charge. Once we have verified your identity and, if relevant, the authority of any third-party requestor, we will provide access to the personal data we hold about you as well as the following information:
- The purposes of the processing.
- The categories of personal data concerned.
- The recipients to whom the personal data has been disclosed.
- The retention period or envisioned retention period for that personal data.
- When personal data has been collected from a third party, the source of the personal data.
- If there are exceptional circumstances that mean we can refuse to provide the information, we will explain them. If requests are frivolous or vexatious, we reserve the right to refuse them. If answering requests is likely to require additional time or occasions unreasonable
expense (which you may have to meet), we will inform you.
- You may request a copy of the personal data we hold about you free of charge. Once we have verified your identity and, if relevant, the authority of any third-party requestor, we will provide access to the personal data we hold about you as well as the following information:
- The right to rectification
- When you believe we hold inaccurate or incomplete personal information about you, you may exercise your right to correct or complete this data. This may be used with the right to restrict processing to make sure that incorrect/incomplete information is not processed until it is corrected.
- The right to erasure (the ‘right to be forgotten’)
- Where no overriding legal basis or legitimate reason continues to exist for processing personal data, you may request that we delete the personal data. This includes personal data that may have been unlawfully processed. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure
- Where no overriding legal basis or legitimate reason continues to exist for processing personal data, you may request that we delete the personal data. This includes personal data that may have been unlawfully processed. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure
- The right to restrict processing
- You may ask us to stop processing your personal data. We will still hold the data but will not process it any further. This right is an alternative to the right to erasure. If one of the following conditions applies, you may exercise the right to restrict processing:
- The accuracy of the personal data is contested.
- Processing of the personal data is unlawful.
- We no longer need the personal data for processing, but the personal data is required for part of a legal process.
- The right to object has been exercised and processing is restricted pending a decision on the status of the processing.
- You may ask us to stop processing your personal data. We will still hold the data but will not process it any further. This right is an alternative to the right to erasure. If one of the following conditions applies, you may exercise the right to restrict processing:
- The right to data portability
- You may request your set of personal data be transferred to another controller or processor, provided in a commonly used and machine-readable format. This right is only available if the original processing was based on consent, the processing is by automated means and if the processing is based on the fulfilment of a contractual obligation.
- The right to object
- You have the right to object to our processing of your data where:
- Processing is based on legitimate interest;
- Processing is for the purpose of direct marketing;
- Processing is for the purposes of scientific or historic research; or
- Processing involves automated decision-making and profiling.
- You have the right to object to our processing of your data where:
Contact us
Any comments, questions or suggestions about this privacy notice or our handling of your personal data should be emailed to
Should you wish to discuss a complaint, please feel free to contact us using the details provided above. All complaints will be treated in a confidential manner. Should you feel unsatisfied with our handling of your data, or about any complaint that you have made to us about our handling of your data, you are entitled to escalate your complaint to a supervisory authority. In the UK, this is the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office), which is also our lead supervisory authority.
You can contact the ICO through their website,, or using the details below:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane